Education Committee
To provide a lifelong program of Christian Education enabling members of all ages to learn the scriptures and Lutheran teachings and apply them in their daily lives

Property Committee
To provide for the care and keeping of the congregation’s property and equipment.

Worship Committee
To assist congregation leaders provide inspiring, faith enhancing, and faith challenging worship opportunities.

Stewardship Committee
to assist congregational leaders provide inspiring, faith enhancing, and faith challenging worship opportunities.

Fellowship Committee
To develop and provide opportunities whereby congregational members can grow and strengthen the fellowship bond with other members.

Finance Committee
To assess, monitor, and report on the congregations’s fiscal well-being; to provide for an annual audit of congregational fiscal records; and in conjunction with congregation’s leaders develop a proposed congregational budget in the fall of each year.

Funeral Dinner Committee
To extend the congregation’s ministry of caring to grieving families by providing a funeral meal for extended family members and friends.

Social Ministry (Outreach) Committee
To develop outreach programs that witness to the servant example of Christ, in our community, synod, country, and world.
On-going collection of personal hygiene products for military personnel, collection of winter coats, mittens, and hats for needy children, and other projects as needs appear.